

Sunday Services:

Sunday mornings are the focal point of the people of God in their life of worship.  The people of Grace gather together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead “‘on the first day of the week” (Mark 16:9).  Through Word and Sacrament, people are brought to faith, nurtured and strengthened in faith, and equipped to be witnesses of God’s love and grace in Christ Jesus out in the world. During worship, God’s people receive from God His wonderful blessings, and in gratitude the people offer their praises and thanksgiving through liturgy, song, and prayer.  Worship is held in the Main Sanctuary from Palm Sunday through New Year’s Eve.  From New Year’s Day until Palm Sunday, the worship service is held in the chapel.  We invite the greater Lakewood community and residents, visitors, and college students in Northeast Ohio to join us for worship.  All are welcome.


Holy Communion:

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated at 9 a.m. every Sunday of the month.

What we at Grace believe about Holy Communion:

  • We believe that Holy Communion  is a Means of Grace through which Jesus offers, seals, and delivers to us the forgiveness of sins.
  • We believe that when the bread and wine are set apart (consecrated) with the Word of God, Jesus joins Himself to the bread and wine in such a way as to give us His true body and His true blood for the forgiveness of our sins and strengthening of our faith.
  • We believe that in Holy Communion  we are also remembering and proclaiming the one sacrifice Jesus made on Calvary’s cross over 2000 years ago to pay for all sins of all time, proclaiming His death until His glorious return on the Last Day.
  • We believe that when we join together at the Communion Table, those present are proclaiming their unity and agreement in the faith.  Members of Grace who have been instructed in the faith through Youth or Adult Confirmation Classes, as well as Communicant Members of sister LCMS congregations or congregations of Lutheran bodies in fellowship with the LCMS are welcome to receive Holy Communion.
  • We believe that as a matter of pastoral care and in the spirit of Christian love, Christians of other denominations  should speak with the Pastor prior to the worship service before receiving Holy Communion.